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Fall Activities to Share With Your Dog

Are you at a loss for fun fall activities to do with your dog? Fall is absolutely perfect! The weather is still warm enough for you to still comfortably be outside and its cooled down enough for your dog to really enjoy the outdoors too. The sun is still shinning, the leaves are falling, and trust me, Fido doesn’t care about dodging the occasional raindrops, in fact, he welcomes them. There are so many fun things to do during the fall.

I think our whole family comes to life during the fall. Here in Western New York spring gets hot quick but come September the temperatures come down to bearable levels. My dogs, who, during the peak of summer, were huffing and puffing after a 5-minute play session, who, would only get up for food, are now chasing each other around the house and endlessly wrestling. We would never be able to go apple picking for our family cider making tradition in the heat of the summer. Summer is for lazing around by the pool, fall is for fun.

Stay in and Bake

My favorite fall activities is baking for everyone in my family, especially for my dogs.

Fall is filled with rainy days but that’s ok, there’s still plenty to do inside. Thanks to the colder weather there is no need to keep avoiding the kitchen. It’s again safe to turn on the oven. Baking is a great way to spend a raining fall after noon but baking for your dog just kicks it up a level. Pick a new doggie friendly recipe or stick to a favorite.

U-Pick Farms

We've promoted apple picking from just a fall activity to  a family tradition

Fall is pumpkin and apple season! I think picking apples has become one of my favorite fal activities! We go every year to my mother-in-laws an pick bushels upon bushels of apples then press them into apple cider or make yummy goodies. So begins my winter weight gain! Many U-Pick farms allow entry to our four-legged children and it’s wonderful socialization for them. Running around picking pecks of apples and yummy pumpkins can be full of fun!  You never know, you and Fido can end the day with some fun activities like a corn maze or a hayride!  Going to a U-Pick farm with your dog can become a family tradition.

Fall Road Trips

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Who doesn’t like a good road trip? Fall is the perfect time to take a drive out to the country to take in the beauty and colors of fall foliage especially for your furry friend.  Cars can become uncomfortably warm during the summer months but with falls cooler temperatures your pooch can happily take in the smells of fall without overheating.  

Celebrate Halloween

There are a ton of fall activities that your dog would enjoy around Halloween

There are SO many fun activities that your dog can participate in during the Halloween season. Oh yes! It is a season not just a day. Dressing dogs up has become more and more popular over the years. Jump on the bandwagon and get Fido all Halloweened up. Once your all in the spirit not only can you go trick-or-treating but you and Fido can hit up other events such as local trunk-or-treats or costume parades. Some places even have pet costume contests.

Fall Camping Trip

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Dog guarding items in the campaign sitting near tent in the mountains. Series of photos

We are a camping family but camping during the summer can be an endless game of escape the sun. Even glampers have to stay hidden indoors with the AC cranked. But in the fall, everything is different! The highs aren’t so drastically high that it feels like you can fry an egg on your forehead so you can actually enjoy the outdoors and so can your pooch. Remember, they are naturally warmer than humans and have to wear a perpetual fur coat so of course it’s a relief when the fall comes. He can enjoy tracking the scents of nature, of fetching sticks for longer than 5 minutes, and yes even a swim. You may not want to partake in the waters of fall but Fido has absolutely no issue swimming in early to mid-fall waters.

Play in the Leaves

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Short on time? Have a ton of leaves in your lawn? Well, mix some work with pleasure! Take Fifi out to rake up those eye sores. No dog can resist flinging objects. She’ll be trying to nip flying leaves out of the air. Don’t get too attached to your pile either. Piles of leaves are alluring, just beckoning for someone to jump in and play. Like children, dogs are powerless against their pull. Keep your camara handy too, these “work” sessions make awesome photo opportunities!

Fall Hike

A beach trip should always be on your list of fall activities.

Nature is magnificent during any season but fall brings so many more colors to the scene and animals are scurrying to get provisions for winter. There’s no end to the interesting sights and sounds, keeping both you and Pooch’s attention for hours. There are tons of nature trails, parks, and hiking trails for both to explore.

Beachy Fall Field Trip

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Normally we think of beaches and equate them with summer fun, but they can be a grand time for Fido during the fall. The change of seasons transforms the beach from an overpopulated, garbage covered, wallet gauging, sweat fest, to a beautiful, peaceful, downright enjoyable getaway. The summer crowds have disappeared with the heat and prices are slashed for off-season stays.

I hope our fun fall activities has inspired you to grab your pooch and go have fun! There are countless ways to entertain you and your pup in the fall. Even your normal activities take on new life with the changing of the season. Just pack a change of clothes, rain boots, and extra towels in case it rains or is muddy. Winter is coming fast so get out and get active before you’re cooped up and snowed in. Remember to do extra tick checks they are quite feisty this time of year.

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